Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 Basic Wife-ish Tips I Now Know

Sometimes the most obvious tips can make the biggest impact. I wish someone had suggested these to me sooner!

5. Gardening – Use mulch! After fighting to keep flowers alive and pulling weeds like a crazy woman, I finally realized that by filling my garden with mulch I can help retain water for my plants while also prevent any weed seeds from seeing the sun. Duh.

Mulchy goodness.

4. Space-saving – Stop buying new hangers. If you purchase new clothes, find something you can give to Goodwill in order to free up a hanger. You most likely have enough clothes already, you just don't love all aspects of your wardrobe, but someone else would surely get some use out of it.

3. Social Planning – Use an online calendar to share plans with your significant other. It's amazing how much confusion and double-booking can be avoided once you both have access to all your plans.

2. Cooking – Work the short-cuts: Use time-savers like "no boil" lasagna noodles, frozen pie crusts, and rotisserie chicken to cut prep time down significantly. Start with recipes with few ingredients and once you get those down, introduce new ingredients the next time. Starting with more advanced recipes can take a long time and be extremely discouraging for n00b cooks.

Thank you, frozen pre-cooked, tail-off bag o' shrimp!

1. Cleaning – Hire a housekeeper. Seriously, even if it's just once a month. Your time is valuable and you'll realize it's worth the investment the first time you come home to a house cleaned by someone else. Some wifey duties are best delegated!


  1. Good tips, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Thanks, Christina! Glad you liked them.

  3. OMG we live on rotisserie chicken. And the 2x a month housecleaning has saved our marriage... as has the 2x a month lawn guy.
